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Camping with New Puppy
April 18, 2017, 9:31 AM- Q: We have a 12 week old Cava Poo. We are going camping this weekend and will be taking the puppy. However, I am concerned about the weather. It will only be for one night, but the low will be in the mid 40's and we will be staying in a tent. How would be best to keep the puppy warm? She is kept in a crate for sleeping - would it be better to keep her in the car overnight in her crate for warmth?
- A: As a camper myself I understand your question. Although a little less breezy the temperature in your car will approach that of your tent. I would suggest lots of cozy cuddle material in her crate. If you have the ability you could take an empty plastic beverage bottle or two and fill them with warm water and place within the bedding. Even using a heater in your tent is an option sometimes as long as you are careful in selection and set up.